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First Presbyterian Church of Lewiston is gearing up for a takeout traditional St. Patrick's Day dinner on Wednesday, March 17. Members coordinating the dinner are, from left: Patricia Berggren, Sandy Wasko, Louise Wasko and Jimmy Ewy. Proceeds from the fundraiser will go toward preservation of the Old Stone Church, Lewiston's oldest and most historic church.
First Presbyterian Church of Lewiston is gearing up for a takeout traditional St. Patrick's Day dinner on Wednesday, March 17. Members coordinating the dinner are, from left: Patricia Berggren, Sandy Wasko, Louise Wasko and Jimmy Ewy. Proceeds from the fundraiser will go toward preservation of the Old Stone Church, Lewiston's oldest and most historic church.

St. Paddy's takeout dinner to support historic old stone church


Mon, Mar 1st 2021 07:00 am

The First Presbyterian Church of Lewiston will offer a takeout traditional St. Patrick’s Day dinner from 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, March 17, at 505 Cayuga St., Lewiston. Pick-up will be at the back entrance of the church (drive thru).

The dinner will include corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, bread and dessert. Preorder dinners are for sale for $15 and can be reserved by Friday, March 12. Call the church office at 716-754-4945 and leave name, phone number and number of dinners to be reserved.

Full-price dinners at the door are $17 and will be on a first-come, first-served basis until 6 p.m. (or sold out). Cash-only payments are appreciated.

Proceeds from the dinner will go toward preservation of the Old Stone Church. The first church built in Lewiston opened in 1817 and played a key role in many village milestones. During the Civil War, it aided in the transport of slaves seeking freedom on the Underground Railroad. Church members would light the steeple providing a signal to peacekeepers in Queenston, Ontario, letting them know it was safe for the escaping slaves to cross the Niagara River to freedom.

Lewiston Presbyterian Church is open to all for worship on Sunday mornings at 11:15 a.m.

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