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The Town of Lewiston announced its year-end Town Board regular meeting/final audit, scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 28, will be held by Zoom only.
Town Clerk Donna Garfinkel said that interested residents who would like to join the meeting may do so at https://zoom.us/j/98336668641?pwd=M0p5eER1TjYvblRlQml0aWpGc0lrQT09. Those intending to view the session by iPhone or smartphone can dial in by location to 1-301-715-8592 with meeting ID 983 3666 8641 and passcode 135462.
All residents will be given the opportunity to address the Town Board.
The agenda for the meeting can be found on the Town of Lewiston website at www.townoflewiston.us.