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By Pinnacle Community Services
They’ve been isolated and living in fear for months, or even years. We don’t always see the signs. Nationwide, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence), and many more experience other forms of domestic violence.
Each October, advocates across the nation raise awareness for this important cause by recognizing Domestic Violence Awareness Month. They wear purple, tie ribbons, share facts and resources, and give a voice to those who may otherwise remain unheard.
In a year where an uptick in domestic violence can be seen worldwide, we must not allow physical distancing to keep us from raising support and awareness for individuals and families at great risk of harm.
As it has for the past six years, Pinnacle Community Services will be tying purple ribbons and displaying a survivor art exhibit, while sharing facts and information about domestic violence and Passage Domestic Violence Services. The difference? All of this will be provided virtually at www.Facebook.com/PinnacleCommunity.
Pinnacle invites the community to follow suit and raise awareness for this prevalent and heartbreaking social issue by displaying a purple ribbon at their homes and businesses.
“In a year when the world has faced adversity on extreme levels, it is more important than ever for communities to take a stand against domestic violence. Increasing domestic violence awareness through education, offering resources and sharing information is crucial in supporting survivors of abuse. We must work together to be a part of the solution and end domestic violence once and for all,” said Larissa Bachman, director of Passage Domestic Violence Services.
To be included in a community photo collage, please email a photo of your purple ribbon on display to [email protected].
Passage provides shelter, counseling, support groups and advocacy to domestic violence survivors and their families, as well as education and outreach to the community. If you are experiencing domestic violence, please call the 24/7 confidential hotline for support: 716-299-0909.
As always, Pinnacle seeks to spread its mission across the community: “Side by Side, Step by Step…we strengthen our community by supporting and empowering individuals and families on their journey.”
Since 1895, Pinnacle Community Services has been providing essential services to the community, through prevention and intervention programming in the areas of mental health, domestic violence, runaway and homeless youth, and child abuse and neglect. For more information, visit pinnaclecs.org.