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After much consideration, Lewiston Council on the Arts (LCA) regretfully announces the cancellation of this year's Marble Orchard Ghost Walks.
A press release said, “We will miss welcoming thrill seekers from across WNY and seeing Lewiston filled with hundreds of visitors enjoying 'theater in the streets' on Saturday nights in September and October. We tried our best to figure out what a ghost walk would look like during a pandemic, and decided it best to be safe.
“From the safety of our homes, we will concoct magic potions and herbs to ward away any evil spirits that may be lurking, enjoy horror films, pay homage to the full moon on Halloween, and think about all the fun we are missing.
“And so … the 2020 season of the Marble Orchard Ghost Walks, in theatrical terms, will be dark. The walks have been a major fundraiser for LCA and donations from generous spirits will be gratefully accepted.
“In the meantime, Marble Orchard Players will be 'digging up' new characters and stories to share in 2021. We are already 'ghost writing' for next season! Hope to see you next year!”