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Independent Living of Niagara County (ILNC) is holding its first “Walk, Run & Roll Virtual 5K & 10K” 2020 race. Entrants can participate anytime during the month of August, and choose the venue that they feel is safe – say, traveling around a building, around the block, up and down the hall, etc.
In order to take part, participants need to register on www.RunSignup.com before 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 25, and make a required donation of $30. They can sign up online at: https://runsignup.com/Race/Events/NY/NiagaraFalls/ILNCWalkRunRoll.
And their take-away? After the participation period concludes August 31, all registrants will receive an event T-shirt, so they will be asked their shirt size and mailing address at the time of registration. Another benefit: For veterans of these races who collect them, on registration, the website should provide an event-specific unique competition number (commonly called a “bib number”) on the sign-up page. It’s the full race experience!
A press release said, “We are holding this fun, interactive event to enable people with disabilities, plus their friends and families, to support the ILNC without leaving home! They even determine the number of “laps” of the circuit required to reach 5 or 10 kilometers (3.1 or 6.2 miles, respectively); and when they say they’ve done them, we take their word.”
For more information, contact Jillian Moss at 716-284-4131, ext. 146, or [email protected].
Independent Living of Niagara County is a member of the Western New York Independent Living Inc. family of agencies that offer an expanding array of services to aid individuals with disabilities to take control of their own lives.