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Several Niagara University graduate education students are helping to keep Niagara Falls elementary and middle school students engaged over the summer. Caitlin Owen, Britini D’Angelo and Allison Jenne are holding virtual tutoring sessions in July and August for children involved with Carolyn’s House of the YWCA of Niagara Falls.
“When we were approached by the YWCA of Niagara Falls to work with children, we jumped on the opportunity,” said Dr. Alice Kozen, chair of Niagara University’s department of advanced teacher education, who teaches the summer program with Dr. Barbara Godshall. “Knowing how much learning students can lose over summer, in addition to schools closing down in March, made it even more important that we would be able offer a great experience for elementary and middle school students, and for our graduate students, as well. The grad students continue to hone in and improve their instructional skills and establish wonderful one-to-one relationships with children. By offering this assistance, we hope that the students they work with are more than ready to meet the future through continued nonstop instruction during these long months. We are also hoping that this may begin a wonderful and continued relationship with the YWCA, as well.”
Carolyn’s House is a 19-apartment supportive housing program for homeless women and children operated by the YWCA of Niagara. Named after the late Carolyn Van Schaik of Niagara Falls, who was dedicated to improving the lives of women and children, the residence offers a variety of programs to help women gain stability in their lives while preparing for economic self-sufficiency.