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"The last 137 days have been hell for New York as we were the epicenter of this pandemic. However, New Yorkers stood as one, acted responsibly and – as many other states in this nation are now grappling with new spikes of this insidious virus – the beast, for now, has been brought to bay in this state. A new study by The Truth About Insurance has named New York the most responsible state in fighting COVID-19. We've used data and science to drive this fight and fuel our reopening strategy – but make no mistake, this distinction is shared by every single New Yorker who did the right thing these last months, ignored the politics, socially distanced and wore a mask.
"Together, we climbed this terrible mountain and came down on the other side, but we can't stop now. We must remain disciplined and we must remain ‘New York Tough.’ We've come too far to go back to where we were."