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COVID-19 emergency funding provided to NFTA
Congressman Brian Higgins on Thursday announced Western New York will receive more than $61.3 million in federal funding to support public transportation through an emergency package approved by Congress in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
“Public transportation is an essential service and, by maintaining operations, we ensure residents continue to have access to health care, food and employment,” Higgins said. “We appreciate the services the NFTA and its workers are continuing to provide our community during this difficult time.”
NFTA Executive Director Kimberley Minkel said, “We are very appreciative of Congressman Higgins’ continued support. This vital emergency assistance will help our essential transit service and keep our employees working, which helps our entire community during these challenging times and lays the foundation for public health and economic recovery.”
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, included $25 billion nationwide to support public transportation systems that are continuing to operate during the outbreak. The distribution of the funding is formula-based. New York will be allocated a total of $4,158,708,448.
Western New York’s Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority will receive $61,307,439, provided at 100% federal share with no requirement for a local match. The funding can be used for operational and capital needs to maintain services, as well as for measures to protect the health and safety of transportation workers and riders.