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On Monday morning, Mount St. Mary’s Hospital held a “blessing of the tents” that are set up outside of the emergency department.
The tents will serve a temporary purpose during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing expanded capability for the ER, and a place for triage. They have heat, light and medical record capabilities, and will allow for safer triage and assessment of those who can be evaluated and discharged to home quickly, from those needing further testing or inpatient care.
Niagara County Department of Health Public Health Director Daniel Stapleton joined Acting Niagara County Sheriff Michael Filicetti and Mount St. Mary’s President C.J. Urlaub, along with dozens of hospital staffers, for the blessing.
“We give special thanks to Niagara County Department of Health’s Daniel Stapleton, Elise Pignatora and Jonathan Schultz, as well as Acting Sheriff Michael Filicetti and the Niagara County Sheriff’s Department for their partnership. We are truly all in this together, and the community’s support has been amazing,” Urlaub said.
As part of a Tuesday community update, Niagara County Legislature Chairwoman Becky Wydysh said, “A lot of people were going with the theory that this was going to be the drive-thru testing facility. Please know that that is not what this is. This is actually part of their patient surge plan. Each hospital has to prepare for an influx of patients that could occur as the peak happens with COVID-19; and that’s how they’re beginning to prepare for that influx of patients.”
Niagara County Department of Health Public Health Director Daniel Stapleton joins Mount St. Mary’s Hospital President C.J. Urlaub and Acting Niagara County Sheriff Michael Filicetti at the tent blessing.
The temporary tents.