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The New York State Association of REALTORS Inc. applauded Gov. Andrew Cuomo for requesting federal funds to support independent contractors whose businesses have been shut down during the current COVID-19-related state of emergency. Cuomo has requested federal disaster unemployment assistance for independent contractors such as REALTORS.
“Independent contractors, including the state’s nearly 60,000 REALTORS, have had their ability to provide for their families curtailed as part of the broad effort to control and end the COVID-19 pandemic,” NYSAR President Jennifer Stevenson said. “By tapping this federal resource, New York state is helping hardworking independent contractors to survive in these difficult times so that they can be ready to assist the public when we emerge from this health emergency.”
NYSAR urged state and federal officials to expedite the application and approval process for this critical support.
“We thank Gov. Cuomo for his leadership and applaud his administration’s efforts to keep independent contractors afloat during these troubling times. Though this pandemic has brought a certain level of unpredictability to business and everyday life, we look forward to helping consumers of residential and commercial property achieve their goals,” Stevenson said.
The New York State Association of REALTORS is a not-for-profit trade organization representing more than 59,000 of New York’s real estate professionals. The term REALTOR is a registered trademark, which identifies real estate professionals who subscribe to a strict code of ethics as members of the National Association of REALTORS. These REALTORS are also members of the New York State Association of REALTORS, as well as their local board or association of REALTORS.