State senator and 26 fellow veterans travel to Washington, DC, to visit memorials & lay wreath at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
On Friday, New York State Sen. Rob Ortt hosted 26 veterans on a flight down to Washington, D.C., to visit the various memorials and pay respects to the men and women who have perished in service to this nation. Veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam and Operation Enduring Freedom visited several monuments, including the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial, the World War II Memorial, the Korean War Vets Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.
The trip is known as the "WNY Warriors Flight."
"The purpose of this flight came from a desire to honor our veterans and give them the opportunity to visit the monuments memorializing their service," Ortt said. "This trip was also a way to offer to some of those veterans who hadn't been able to previously travel to Washington, D.C., a chance to visit these memorials and pay respects to the friends they lost."
Thanks to Walmart, the trip came at no cost to any of the veterans or guardian volunteers who accompanied them on the trip.
Along with visiting the memorials, the group also had the opportunity to place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The site is dedicated to the U.S. service members who have perished without their remains being identified. The wreath-laying was an opportunity few have the chance to experience.
"This wreath-laying was an experience that I will keep with me the rest of my life," Ortt said. "I hope that every American has the opportunity to witness this solemn ceremony, so that they may understand the real cost of our freedoms."
Those interested in joining Ortt for the "WNY Warriors Flight" next year can call his office at 716-434-0680 and ask to be placed on the contact list.