Pictured, from left: Sheila Zuhlke, Regina Cecconi, District Gov. Sharon Battaglia, Ann Foster Akin and Jeremy Schnurr.
Sat, Dec 16th 2017 07:00 am
Lions Club International recently held its annual three-day Leadership Institute in Binghamton. The purpose of the Lions Leadership Institute is to provide Lions with the opportunity to enhance skills in preparation for leadership responsibilities at the club, zone, region and district level - as well as interact with fellow Lions from clubs across all of New York.
In attendance were Lewiston Lions Zone Chairwoman Regina Cecconi, Vice President Sheila Zuhlke, Region Chairman Jeremy Schnurr of the Tonawanda's Erie Canal Gateway Lions Club, and Treasurer for the Lions See program Ann Foster Akin. This year's Leadership Institute graduated 35 Lions from all across the state.