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County lawmakers attend the spring job fair held March 29 in Niagara Falls. Director of Employment and Training Donald Jablonski, at center, organized the Lockport event to provide a similar, convenient opportunity for jobseekers to meet employers in Eastern Niagara County following the success of two recent career expos in Niagara Falls. Joining Jablonski during the job fair were, from left, Legislators Tony Nemi, Owen Steed, Will Collins and Chairman Wm. Keith McNall.
County lawmakers attend the spring job fair held March 29 in Niagara Falls. Director of Employment and Training Donald Jablonski, at center, organized the Lockport event to provide a similar, convenient opportunity for jobseekers to meet employers in Eastern Niagara County following the success of two recent career expos in Niagara Falls. Joining Jablonski during the job fair were, from left, Legislators Tony Nemi, Owen Steed, Will Collins and Chairman Wm. Keith McNall.

Niagara County brings jobs focus to Lockport


Mon, May 8th 2017 12:00 pm

Eastern Niagara job fair follows successful efforts in Falls

By Christian W. Peck

Niagara County Public Information Officer

Niagara Director of Employment and Training Donald Jablonski said successful hiring numbers at a pair of job fairs held in Niagara Falls makes him "optimistic and hopeful" regarding a planned Lockport career fair being held Wednesday.

Jablonski's assessment - delivered Friday morning to County Legislature Chairman Wm. Keith McNall - was based on hiring statistics from the two job fairs held since he took over management of the Employment and Training Department. This is the first county job fair to be held in Lockport in four years.

A successful job fair held in October saw 29 attendees hired into positions with area companies. Jablonski noted 421 individuals attended that fair, with 97 being interviewed for positions. Jablonski said he is in the process of gathering data from follow-up interviews with hiring representatives from the spring job fair, but preliminary indications are that hiring levels are on pace to meet or exceed the fall job fair.

"We're excited to bring this effective tool for linking jobseekers up with employers to Lockport," McNall said. "We're very hopeful that we see similar positive outcomes for Eastern Niagara County residents to what we have achieved in the Falls the past few months."

Legislator Tony Nemi noted attendees scheduled for Wednesday's job fair included not only Niagara County firms, but even businesses in Western Orleans County.

"This job fair gives local residents access to regional employment opportunities," Nemi said. "That's valuable, because it increases the total number of opportunities and fields represented."

Jablonski said, as of Friday, there are 53 confirmed employers scheduled to attend the Lockport job fair. That puts the fair on an equal footing with the Niagara Falls spring job fair, which saw 63 employers in attendance.

Legislator Will Collins, an accountant whose district is concentrated in the Town of Lockport and includes much of the Transit Road corridor, said he's pleased to see many local businesses he interacts with regularly taking part.

"This is a chance to link up good, skilled workers with employers looking for their experience and training, and a good opportunity to ensure our employers have access to individuals looking to make career moves, re-enter the workforce as the economy picks up steam, and put their education and experience to work for their families," Collins said. "As a small business owner and employer myself, I appreciate the effort that went into bringing this job fair to Lockport."

Collins also noted the job fair comes against a backdrop of an improving national economy that has, in very recent months, seen significant job growth.

"The Labor Department just reported 211,000 job gains in April," Collins noted. "We're also seeing people re-entering the workforce. This Lockport job fair is well-timed to help local residents take advantage of a strengthening U.S. economy."

A flier for Wednesday's Lockport job fair can be DOWNLOADED HERE.

Additional information on businesses attending is available online at www.worksource1.com.

The fair runs from 9:30 a.m. to noon Wednesday at the Best Western Plus, 515 S. Transit St., Lockport.

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