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Volunteers contributed more than 40,000 hours of service
More than 160 volunteers from Mount St. Mary's Hospital and the Mount St. Mary's Child Care Center were honored at the annual volunteer recognition luncheon on Thursday at the Niagara Falls Country Club.
During 2016, more than 40,000 hours of service were given by volunteers throughout the organization. Volunteers represent the American Red Cross, Mount St. Mary's Hospital, VanGo drivers, St. Francis Guild, board of associates and the senior companion program.
The sixth annual Outstanding Volunteer Award in Honor of Ruth Woolery was presented to Barbara Scozzafava.
Individuals recognized for more than 500 hours of service included: Dolores Borowski, foster grandparent; Nancy Christodoulides, surgery hostess; Rosemary Dann, gift shop; Jessica Freeman, gift shop; Marilyn Keenan, foster grandparent; Angie Kujawa, gift shop/info. Desk; Stephen LaBarber, info. desk; Milton Lindsay, mail delivery; Donna Montie, coffee cart/north lobby; Lorenza Pusateri, gift shop; Doug Reading, VanGo; Lucille Rice, senior companion; Jean Rosenberg, gift shop/info. desk/Eucharist minister; Joyce Switzer, gift shop; Mary Rose Thomas, gift shop/info. desk; Greta Thompson, gift shop; and Jim Udy, VanGo.
Individuals recognized also included those who have served 20 or more years from Mount St. Mary's are: Kathy Banks (24 years), Dorothy Cicero (23 years), Mary Lou Curry (21 years), Rosemary Dann (29 years), Margaret Destino (32 years), Phyllis Eisenman, (23 years), Peter Fatouros (26 years), Jessica Freeman (23 years), Janet Furlong (29 years), Ann Gallagher (22 years), Phyllis Gross (22 years), Dennis Horvath (29 years), Milt Lindsay (31 years), Marilyn Lojek (28 years), Joe Marra (22 years), Elizabeth McGhee, (23 years), Marge Mirabelli (25 years), Sarah Jean Pasek (24 years), Cecilia Ryan (35 years), Barbara Scozzafava (23 years), Joyce Switzer (28 years), Greta Thompson (22 years), Audrey Tower (24 years), Agnes Wakeman (27 years) and Eleanor Zelinski (28 years).
Individuals who reached 20 years of service this year are: Gail McCalister, Betty Lou Camardella, Louis Campanara, Stephen LaBarber and Helen Rengstorf.
"Our dedicated volunteers give so much to our patients and their families," said Gary C. Tucker, hospital president and CEO. "From greeting visitors at the main lobby, to escort and delivery and everything in between, they all touch the lives of our patients, staff and physicians. They are very special people."
Volunteers work in many areas of the hospital and also operate the "VanGo" patient transportation system.
The program also welcomed new volunteers to the organization and said goodbye to volunteers who passed away in 2016. New volunteers include: David Aronson, Marie Berds, Donna Franey, Suzanne Gorbach, Stirling Grant, Ed Kwiatek, Linda Lambert, Ernest Longo, Ron Miller, Carol Skrlin, Barbara Travis and Shirley Warner.
For more information on volunteering, call the Mount St. Mary's Hospital volunteer office at 716-298-2144.
Three volunteers at Mount St. Mary's Hospital were cited for their service at the recent volunteer recognition luncheon. Milton Lindsay, left, and Cecilia Ryan are shown in the photo. Not shown is Margaret Destino.