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The Kiwanis Club of Niagara-Wheatfield will hold its annual pancake breakfast and basket raffle from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, March 26, at the Wheatfield American Legion Post No. 1451, 6525 Ward Road, Sanborn.
The club will serve sausages, coffee, juice, and, of course, all you can eat pancakes with New York State maple syrup,
This major fundraiser will be held in conjunction with New York State Maple Syrup Weekend (www.maplesyrupweekend).
All proceeds will benefit the Niagara-Wheatfield Kiwanis Club's children's programs, including K-Kids at West Street, Errick Road, and Colonial Village elementary schools; the Builders Club at Edward Town Middle School; scholarships, and sending area youths to a week of summer camp at Kamp Kiwanis, amongst other worthwhile programs.
For club information and presale pancake breakfast tickets, email [email protected] or call 716-731-3696.