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The Niagara County SPCA is dedicating its 2018 calendar to kids and their rescue pets by holding a photo contest. Contestants can upload their best, most interesting photo of their child (who must be 10 years of age or younger) with their rescue pet to be voted on at www.gogophotocontest.com/ncspca2018calendarcontest.
The contest is currently underway and will conclude at 9 p.m. Wednesday, March 15.
The top 13 contestants with the most votes will receive a photo shoot by a professional photographer, and their photo will appear in the calendar. Whoever receives the most votes will have his or her photo featured on the cover of the calendar, and win a variety of gift cards.
Photos can include any rescue animal. The animal does not have to be from the Niagara County SPCA. Each vote costs $1. People can vote as many times as they like.
The NCSPCA is also asking contestants to include a story behind their photo, such as how the pet was rescued or how the bond formed between the child and the animal.
For more information on the Niagara County SPCA, visit www.niagaraspca.org.