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On Sunday, May 22, youth and adults at Trinity United Methodist Church joined together in a multigenerational gardening project.
Before digging in the dirt, the group enjoyed lunch and a time of fellowship. Afterwards, they worked together to create a "green wall," using recycled plastic bottles. The group cut and converted the bottles into hanging planters. Then they filled the containers with soil and planted different flowers in each container. Each planter was hung along the garden's fence.
The Green Wall is designed as a reflection of how faith lives and grows just like the flowers do.
Trinity's Garden of Living Faith provides fresh vegetables to the church community. The produce is available for sale on Sunday mornings. 100 percent of the proceeds are donated to the Buffalo Food Pantry and unsold vegetables are given to a Niagara Falls Food Pantry so that they can serve fresh food to those in need.
Debbie and Heather Robinson and Trinity United Methodist Church pastor the Rev. Dr. Sung Ho Lee.
Cheyenne Claus at the garden.