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Marlen Krause
Marlen Krause

Dual degree student from NU recognized at international hospitality conference

by jmaloni


Wed, Apr 29th 2015 03:35 pm

Marlen Krause, a student matriculating toward a dual degree from Niagara University and the International University of Applied Sciences in Germany, was recognized during the 2015 Korea America Hospitality and Tourism Educators Association Conference, held April 17-18 in Las Vegas.

Krause won second-place in the Undergraduate Student Research Forum for her paper, "Airbnb: Is it an Innovator or a Market Disrupter in the Hotel Industry?"

Entries for the best paper award were judged based on the topic relevance and contribution of research to existing knowledge, sound methodology and statistical analysis, structure and clarity of writing, and conclusions and implications.

Participating universities, in addition to Niagara, included Arkansas Tech University, Michigan State University, University of Memphis and University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Krause is matriculating toward a degree in hospitality management from NU as well as from her highly regarded home institution in Bad Honnef, Germany. The partnership is one of the many unique programs offered through NU's accredited College of Hospitality and Tourism Management.

Founded in 2011, the Korea America Hospitality & Tourism Educators Association fosters academic and professional collaboration and networking between hospitality educators and industry professionals in both Korea and America.

Dr. Chang Huh, an associate professor in NU's College of Hospitality and Tourism Management, serves as president of KAHTEA.

For more information on Niagara University's College of Hospitality and Tourism Management, call 716-286-8279 or visit www.niagara.edu/hospitality.

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