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What has now become the winter of discontent for many continues seemingly unabated in the Buffalo-Niagara area.
Over past weeks, residents have contended with intense cold, biting winds and uncomfortable wind chills, and accumulating snows from a number of storms in Niagara County. The result: More than 43 inches of snow falling in the county thus far for the month of February, and in excess of 91 inches of snow for the season according to data from www.niagaracountyweatherwire.com. And with it, winter's raw beauty on area waterways - from a near completely frozen over Niagara Falls to these ice-clogged scenes found in the lower Niagara and in Lake Ontario out to the horizon.
Remember, spring is just under a month away - but when it will actually begin to show remains anyone's guess. (Photo by Terry Duffy)