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The Grigg Lewis Foundation workership program is taking applications to fill a student office assistant position it will fund at the Niagara History Center this summer.
The office assistant will work from late May to mid-August, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Work would occur primarily at the 215 Niagara St. museum complex, but also at the Erie Canal Discovery Center, 24 Church St., and the Bond-Hawley House, 143 Ontario St., all in Lockport.
An interested individual should possess good organizational, customer relations and phone skills, Microsoft program knowledge, multitasking ability and ease in speaking before a group. The assistant will be required to learn a script for interpreting the Flight of Five Locks restoration on site for visitors when others are not available. The audience would include tourists and locktenders.
The position will include light housekeeping and assisting with moving light objects, such as books and artifacts, writing, filing, copying and working in the museum gift shop.
Summer is particularly busy at the History Center, with many additional visitors and research requests. The seasonal office assistant position will enable staff to be more responsive to visitors' needs. The diversity of duties and skills in the nonprofit museum setting offers a student many opportunities for new learning experiences.
Eligible applicants must be students currently enrolled in college or accepted for college this fall, and must be residents of Eastern Niagara County. This geographic area includes Lockport, Newfane, Gasport, Sanborn, Cambria, Wilson, Ransomville, Wheatfield, Royalton, Hartland, Barker, Pendleton, Middleport and Somerset. Applicants cannot be a close relative of a History Center staff or board member.
Interested students should contact the History Center for an application at 716-434-7433 or email [email protected].
The Grigg Lewis workerships are intended to provide financial assistance to local college students, allow institutions to expand summer programs, and provide meaningful summer experiences to participating students.