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In July, the Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens acquired three Amorphophallus titanum tubers. One of these "corpse flowers," as they're known, is set to bloom this week.
"Morty," as the plant is called, is 70 inches tall and growing. "He" is on display inside the Botanical Gardens. The venue's website says "corpse flowers" "are native to the rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia, and are famous for their horrible smell - like rotting flesh - while in bloom. 'Corpse flowers' can bloom every 6-10 years, making it a rare sight to see and smell!"
The Botanical Gardens is offering visitors updates on Morty, "fun facts" and blooming updates via itsFacebook page, and through Morty's Twitter account, @Mortystinks. Fans are encouraged to use hashtags #corpseflower and #buffalogardens.
Watch our video to learn more about Morty and the Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens.
Visit http://www.buffalogardens.com for more information.
Video by Kelsey Grady
"Morty the corpse flower"