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Last year, Lewiston resident Angelo Sarkees began the "Deposits for Food" initiative, collecting bottles, cans and scrap to raise funds for a pair of Niagara Falls charities. In year two, the program's impact more than tripled, and Sarkees presented checks of $1,000 each to Community Missions and Heart, Love and Soul on Thursday.
The total contributions consisted of $1,500 from Sarkees' collection efforts and $250 from each of the initiative's sponsors, Modern Corp. and Sevenson Environmental Services. Sarkees will continue the collection efforts through the summer and fall with the hope of doubling the fundraising revenue.
"I would like to thank Modern Corp. and Sevenson Environmental Services for their generous support," Sarkees said. "I would also like to thank all those at Modern who assisted and encouraged the initiative's efforts, and particularly for supplying the materials and supplies used in the collection. Last but not the least, all those working at the mission and at Heart, Love and Soul deserve gratitude and support, above all others."