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The Rotary Club of Grand Island and the Grand Island Central School District's PTSA honored 12 graduating seniors from Grand Island High School Tuesday at the annual Rotary/PTSA Students of the Year award banquet, held at Byblos Niagara Resort & Spa.
Rotary Club President Joseph Philippone praised the honorees and told them that Rotary is involved locally and globally to make a difference putting its motto, "Service Above Self" into action. He told the Students of the Year the four-way test of what Rotarians think, say or do: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Students of the Year are pictured, from left, front row: Jenna Stufkosky, Sarah Dollendorf, Emma MacIntyre, Anna Nicolia, Emily Glose, Zoë Reda and Sierra D'Ettorre. Back row: Tim Utz, Chris Swagler, Kevin Freedman and Jadon Wegrzyn. Not pictured: Kristina Kasprzycki. (photo by Larry Austin)