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More than 50 runners braved rainy and windy conditions to participate in the first-ever "Run Against Hunger" held on the Niagara University campus Saturday morning.
The 5K race raised $1,600 for the Heart, Love and Soul food pantry and dining room in downtown Niagara Falls.
The event was part of a week's worth of activities built around Friday's inauguration of the Rev. James J. Maher, C.M., as Niagara University's 26th president.
Maher, who joined Niagara in August after 23 years at St. John's University, was very involved in the latter institution's Bread & Life Program, the second-largest emergency food provider in New York City. After completing his first marathon, a Bread & Life board member suggested the idea of a "Run Against Hunger" as a way to raise funds and awareness about poverty and hunger in the area. Maher would go on to compete in 10 more New York City marathons in support of the cause he brought with him to Western New York.
To learn more about Niagara University, visit www.niagara.edu.