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Niagara Tourism and Convention Corp. debuts new Niagara USA website

by jmaloni


Wed, Apr 2nd 2014 11:55 pm

The Niagara Tourism and Convention Corp. launched its new website Wednesday as part of its quarterly sales meeting. Located at http://www.niagara-usa.com/, the website provides guests with numerous things to do and offers ways to explore Niagara Falls. It also provides trip-planning tips and hotel reservation options.

The colorful site's theme is "Niagara Falls: Up Close and Powerful."

"A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into the new website," said Michelle Blackley, NTCC's communications manager/interim director of marketing. "We're very proud of it. We think it's a beautiful representation of Niagara USA. We're such an image-driven place. We have the beautiful falls; we have the historic Locks; we have the rapids. Our website really encompasses what we have to offer year-round.

"It's also very interactive, which is the thing to do nowadays with websites, and then, of course, really implements a lot of social media."

Blackley said the NTCC will continue to improve the website, and make it more of a resource for visitors and residents.

"We hope that people enjoy it," she said. "We hope to continue building it with amazing photos from all of our stakeholders - and visitors, too. Post the photos on our Facebook and tweet them.

"We love seeing what our residents and our visitors do while they're here. It's really fantastic to get those stories, because it's all about storytelling and bringing people here."

-Joshua Maloni contributed to this article.

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