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Two proclamations at Monday's Grand Island Town Board meeting involved an Islander to whom "the world's children have been a priority."
Grand Islander Lee Tetkowski, longtime chair of UNICEF fundraising on the Island, accepted a proclamation as the board proclaimed Oct. 31 as UNICEF Day in the town as part of National UNICEF Month. The upcoming Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, the proclamation said, raises money through Halloween collections "to provide clean water supplies, good nutrition, immunization, and educational opportunities to children in over 100 developing countries."
Tetkowski accepted the proclamation along with Hal Pierce, a troop leader who led the yearly coin sorting counting by local Boy Scouts for more than 30 years.
The board also issued a separate proclamation that called Tetkowski "Grand Island's UNICEF lady, never missing a year to assure the continuation of Grand Island's participation" in the annual fundraiser.
Tetkowski has been awarded the President's Volunteer Service Award, a national honor "offered in recognition of her dedicated volunteer service and her exemplary citizenship," the proclamation noted.
The proclamation further stated that Tetkowski "began her long history of volunteer service promoting the United States Fund for UNICEF's goals in 1952." As an art teacher, Tetkowski organized the Halloween Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF drive on the Island and distributed UNICEF boxes each year. Thanks to Tetkowski, the proclamation said, "UNICEF cartons are a familiar sight at numerous Grand Island restaurants, beauty shops, and offices to assure the continuation of Grand Island's participation in this lifesaving work."
In making the proclamation, the Town Board congratulated Tetkowski "on her many and varied accomplishments, extends their appreciation to her for her remarkable dedication and extended service to the community and UNICEF recipients throughout the world, and wishes her good health and happiness for many more years."
Pictured, from left, Town Supervisor Mary Cooke presents Tetkowski with a board proclamation as Pierce looks on.