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The Mary Star of the Sea Council No. 4752 celebrated its annual Past Grand Knight's Dinner honoring Paul Minton on Saturday, Oct. 19. This was Minton's second term as Grand Knight.
Members of Mary Star of the Sea Council praised Minton for a job well done. Pictured, Grand Knight Rick Gonzalez presenting a gift to Minton and his wife, Mary.
Attending the Mary Star of the Sea Council No. 4752 Past Grand Knights Dinner for Minton were many friends, family and other past grand knights. All enjoyed an evening of socializing with brother knights and friends.
Pictured sitting: the Rev. Sam Venne, assistant chaplain; Past Grand Knights Harry Nolen and George Minton, Gonzalez, Minton, and Past Grand Knight Don Forster. Standing: Past Grand Knights Bill Gworek Sr., Bob Kopacz, Dave Forster, Joe Scalise, Wayne Anstett, Tom Kolniak, Paul Klock, Dick Dietrich, Tony Peters and Ted Korkuc, current district deputy.
Presentations at the Mary Star of the Sea Council No. 4752 Past Grand Knights Dinner included Knight and Family of the Year. Pictured are Brian and Chris Mongielo, who the Mary Star of the Sea Council called "the driving force" to restart St. Stephen's Cub Scout Pack 630 in 1983. Brian was one of the leaders to restart the Boy Scout Troop 630 at St. Stephen in 1986. Brian earned the Knight of the Year Award thanks to his many efforts with the organization, including bringing back bingo to Grand Island.
With Chris and their daughter, Maria, managing the refreshments during bingo and many charity fundraisers, their efforts earned them Family of the Year Award.
Chris was awarded an additional certificate of appreciation for all of her hard work supporting the Council for many, many years.