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The Grand Island High School Art Club brings Halloween this year to the Island's Nike Base on Whitehaven Road. On Oct. 25 and 26, the students from the Art Club will treat young families, teens, and adults to a fun-filled spooktacular event.
This year's monstrous festivities feature a special kid-friendly event Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. With help from the Grand Island Recreational Department, the day will be filled with games, scarecrow contests, face painting, prizes and more.
The Art Club, under the direction of Cindy Wynne, has been working diligently creating props, costumes and other decorations to transform the Community Center at the Nike Base into their "Isle of Horror." This year with the kid-friendly version, "Isle of Spooky Fun," the students will transform the stage to an age-appropriate setting filled with Halloween fun for the younger fans.
Friday and Saturday nights from 7 to 10 p.m., the Community Center will come alive as the "Isle of Horror." Visitors will trek through the unsettling darkness and weave their way through a winding path as the stage changes with creatures lurking in the shadows and surprises around every corner. The immersive horror experience will continue with tingly fright as visitors make their way past zombies, witches, ghouls and unspeakable sites.
Tickets for the event are $5 at the door and $4 in advance. For more information or to purchase pre-sale tickets, call the Grand Island Recreation Department at 716-773-9680.