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Applications to participate in the Niagara Electric Lights Parade now are available at www.tnbpa.com as well as Town of Niagara Town Hall Clerk's Office.
The parade committee invites all civic groups, businesses, schools, elected officials, candidates, first responders, churches, etc., to participate in this year's ninth annual parade, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2, on Military Road.
An estimated 80 units will take part in the parade, which will begin at Military Road and Fourth Avenue and culminate at the Military Road Kmart store.
Santa Claus will be on hand to greet the crowd and will visit Niagara Active Hose Fire Co., 6010 Lockport Road, following the parade for photos and visits with the children.
The major sponsor for the parade is Republic Services (Allied Waste Industries of Niagara Falls). Allied Waste owns and operates the Niagara Falls Sanitary Landfill, located at the intersection of 56th Street and Niagara Falls Boulevard.
Last year's Niagara Electric Lights Parade drew several thousand spectators, along with the hundreds who were part of the bands, floats and community groups that took part.
The parade is organized and presented by the Town of Niagara, the Town of Niagara Business and Professional Association Inc. and the Niagara USA Chamber.