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William Ross, center, chairman of the Niagara County Legislature, reads a proclamation for the eighth annual Mediterranean Festival, which took place July 13, 14 and 15 at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church on Saunders Settlement Road. The event supports The Health Center of Niagara at Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center and The Breast Center of Mount St. Mary's Hospital.
Joining Ross are, from left, Bernadette Franjoine, senior director of operations at Mount St. Mary's Hospital; Colline Doyle, co-chair of the festival; Assemblyman John Ceretto; Very Rev. Fr. Paul Solberg, pastor of St. George Orthodox Church; Dot Lombardi, co-chair of the festival; and Pat Bradley of Memorial Medical Center.
Pictured in photo No. 2, Danny Chaybon leads a line of festivalgoers in a Mediterranean-style dance line. (photos by Larry Austin)