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Town of Wheatfield: Greinert flags salute America

by jmaloni
Fri, Jul 4th 2014 04:00 am

More than 100 flags of various sizes are part of the annual Fourth of July display at the home of Paul Greinert, 6962 Errick Road, Wheatfield.

"Once a year the display is put here on three acres to honor so many that sacrificed for all of us," Greinert said of the tradition that honors both the flag and U.S. troops. Also featured are three marching Uncle Sams at the barn and lighted patriotic spinners.

Joel Greinert notes, "My great-grandfather Edward E. Greinert made the first 9-foot tall wood Uncle Sam and always had it on his front lawn. My grandfather Edward C. Greinert also made Uncle Sam and had it on his front yard. Both (of the grandfathers) were Wheatfield town supervisors."


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