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Jacoby win a surprise
Fri, Nov 10th 2017 03:25 pm
Northern Niagara residents hit the polls on Tuesday and spoke their minds with most candidates handily winning their respective offices - save for one exception in the Town of Lewiston. There, voters sent a message to the GOP-controlled majority by electing Democrat John O. Jacoby Jr.
Tue, Nov 7th 2017 12:35 pm
The Village of Lewiston's crown jewel has a new owner - one who has yet to be identified. Over the weekend, the Hastings family - Richard, his wife, Judy, and son, Alan - reached an agreement to sell the Frontier House and almost one acre of property for $800,000. The deal was represented by Dian Ruta, a licensed associate broker with Great Lakes Real Estate Inc.
Veterans Memorial rededication in Ransomville
Sat, Nov 4th 2017 07:00 am
American Legion O. Leo Curtiss Post 380 in Ransomville invites the community to a Veterans Day rededication ceremony of the Veterans Memorial in the Curtis Cemetery, at the corner of Youngstown Lockport Road and Curtis Avenue in Ransomville. The ceremony will take place at 9 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 11.
Despite efforts this week, new Frontier House principal Alan Hastings could be subject to fines
Thu, Nov 2nd 2017 04:00 pm
Despite efforts this week by the Hastings family to try and answer the Village of Lewiston's Frontier House inquiries, and to provide some renovation plans, Zoning Officer Ed DeVantier still intends to issue appearance tickets in Town of Lewiston Town Court.
Village of Lewiston HPC ready to issue Frontier House fines
Sat, Oct 28th 2017 10:10 am
If the owner of the Frontier House doesn't provide a "schedule of performance" by Wednesday, Nov. 1, he could be fined hundreds of dollars - or more.
French heritage, free music performance & commemorating WWI: Old Fort Niagara in November
Mon, Oct 23rd 2017 03:10 pm
Old Fort Niagara will look to offer diverse and engaging programming in November, including French Heritage Day, a hearth cooking workshop, a free Scottish music performance, and a World War I history presentation. In addition, veterans and active military people will be admitted free on Veterans Day, Nov. 11.
VFW Post 313 kicks off capital campaign
Sat, Oct 21st 2017 07:30 pm
I'm sure you are aware of the important role the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 313 plays in helping veterans in the Youngstown area. Our work is supported largely by the generous donors who contribute to our annual capital campaign.
Art works at 2017 CAM gala
Wed, Oct 18th 2017 05:10 pm
The Castellani Art Museum of Niagara University hosted its fall fundraiser on Saturday at The Conference & Event Center Niagara Falls. The museum called this new event "CAMfest."
Village of Lewiston Planning Board backs St. Peter's playground project, approves Fairchild aesthetics
Sat, Oct 14th 2017 07:00 am
The Village of Lewiston Planning Commission received an update on the second phase of St. Peter R.C. Church's construction plan during its monthly meeting on Tuesday.
18th annual Jack Beatty Memorial Hospice Cruise & Clambake raises $25,000 for Niagara Hospice
Thu, Oct 12th 2017 04:10 pm
Proceeds from The Jack Beatty Memorial Hospice Cruise & Clambake were presented to Niagara Hospice on Wednesday. The fundraising event, held Friday, July 10, and celebrating its 18th year, raised $25,274.14.
Made in Lewiston: 'After the Sun Fell' screens at BIFF
Mon, Oct 9th 2017 12:20 pm
Multicom Entertainment Group and Choice Studios Group/Choice Films & Theatricals brought "After the Sun Fell" to the 11th annual Buffalo International Film Festival for a special screening Sunday inside the North Park Theatre.
Fighting polio
Sat, Oct 7th 2017 12:45 pm
Starting the celebration of World Polio Day (Oct. 24) a little early, Rotary Club of Lewiston/Niagara-on-the-Lake Secretary Tom Gerbasi, left, presented the club's annual contribution to District 7090 Gov. Reg Madison. Funds will be used in Polio Plus-Rotary's efforts to eradicate polio.
A new (Peach) Queen reigns over Lewiston
Sat, Oct 7th 2017 07:00 am
Jamie Hagerty, an 18-year-old Niagara University student majoring in psychology, won the Niagara County Peach Queen scholarship pageant last month. She also competed for Peach Queen in 2016, placing third. Jamie evolved as a contestant this year in her stage presence and ability to answer questions under pressure.
Serving the community: Lewiston fire crews stage quick response in village
Sat, Oct 7th 2017 07:00 am
Lewiston fire crews are credited with staging a quick response to a structure fire in the village late last month. The Sept. 29 call on the 400 block of Plain Street involved a garage structure fire, fully engulfed in a historical section on the village's west side - an area of well-maintained residences, the nearby Lewiston Historical Museum and numerous businesses around the block on the Center Street strip.
Barker Lions holding annual cheese sale
Mon, Oct 2nd 2017 10:25 am
The Barker Lions Club is holding its annual cheese sale. Partnering with Kutter Cheese, various cheese blocks, cheese balls, cheese spreads and meats will be available.
'Invest in a Vest': Safety equipment arrives for Lewiston police officers
Mon, Sep 25th 2017 06:40 pm
The Lewiston Police Department announced Monday it is in receipt of 24 new tactical ballistic vests. Each vest contains a metal plate, weighs close to 30 pounds, and is rated level IV, which is the highest level of protective gear.
Owner's dream comes true at Chantilly Rose
Sat, Sep 23rd 2017 07:00 am
In her high school years, Michele McCarthy had a dream to open a store on Center Street in Lewiston.
Cask & Cow debuts in Lewiston
Mon, Sep 18th 2017 11:30 am
The Niagara River Region Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday to mark the official grand-opening of Cask & Cow at 840 Center St., Lewiston. Local business and elected leaders joined owners Jack Hornung and Joe Garfalo to christen the eatery.
Lewiston Garden Club celebrates 90 years with country club soiree
Sat, Sep 16th 2017 09:00 am
The Lewiston Garden Club concluded celebrations for its 90th anniversary with a party Tuesday night at the Niagara Falls Country Club in Lewiston.
Jamie Hagerty named Peach Queen, capping 60th annual Niagara County Peach Festival
Mon, Sep 11th 2017 07:15 am
The 60th annual Niagara County Peach Festival took place this past weekend at Academy Park. Sponsored by the Lewiston Kiwanis Club, the four-day event is a major fundraiser used to raise monies for local educational and community endeavors.
Roaming Table tastefully pairs Lewiston's history, food
Sat, Sep 9th 2017 10:00 am
The Roaming Table, Lewiston's food tasting and historical walking tour, is a veritable smorgasbord of culinary delights, complete with a recounting of olden days and anecdotal tales from the village's storied past. Guests relish the unique opportunity to learn about the heroes and villains of yesteryear, the inspiration for two monuments, and the incredible efforts to free slaves.
Youngstown: Everybody loves a parade!
Sat, Sep 9th 2017 07:00 am
Great weather greeted the crowds who came out for the annual Labor Day Parade in Youngstown on Monday, Sept. 4, where more than 50 units were featured on the village's Main Street route.
Lewiston's Mildred Cummings, 98 years young, has Jet Boat adventure
Wed, Aug 30th 2017 10:40 pm
Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours recently surpassed a personal record of oldest passenger ever on-board one of its boats, with a visit from Lewiston local Mildred Cummings.
PHOTOS, VIDEOS: Northwest Jazz Festival in Lewiston
Sun, Aug 27th 2017 12:00 am
The 16th annual celebration of jazz in the Village of Lewiston - now known as the Northwest Jazz Festival, Lewiston, NY presented by Northwest Bank - kicked off Friday with lines of people piled up and down Center Street. Music rang out across a half-dozen stages, and crowds flocked to a plethora of local food vendors.
Summer of '69 All-Star Band headlining fundraiser for Lew-Port students
Fri, Aug 25th 2017 04:30 pm
The famous Summer of '69 All-Star Band will hit the Lewiston Stone House stage Saturday, Sept. 9, to raise funds for the Lewiston-Porter High School music scholarship program. The event begins at 6 p.m. at 755 Center St.
In Porter, Collins offers IJC update
Sat, Aug 19th 2017 03:50 pm
U.S. Congressman Chris Collins, shown here with Town of Porter Councilman Duffy Johnston, was the guest speaker at the Porter lake homeowners meeting.
LCA call for actress
Tue, Aug 15th 2017 03:05 pm
The Lewiston Council on the Arts is looking for a volunteer actress to join the cast of the Marble Orchard Ghost Walks. The productions takes place every Saturday night in September and October.
Miss New York Gabrielle Walter offers encouragement, advice to Peach Queen contestants
Thu, Aug 10th 2017 02:05 pm
2018 Miss New York Gabrielle Walter was the guest speaker at the annual Peach Queen dinner on Wednesday. The Clarence native encouraged 12 attending contestants to live with purpose, give back to others, and rely on their families when times get tough.
Chris Brown honored by Artpark & Company
Wed, Aug 9th 2017 05:55 pm
Artpark & Company recently announced a special dedication in honor of the late Christopher H. Brown, its former board chairman.
'Jazz Brunch' raises funds for Lewiston festival
Mon, Aug 7th 2017 11:00 am
Water Street Landing hosted a fundraiser on Sunday for the Northwest Jazz Festival, Lewiston, NY. For a slight upcharge, patrons could enjoy a live jazz performance by The Jim Bohm Trio while enjoying breakfast.
A monumental tribute: Youngstown sculptor to create Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper statue
Sat, Aug 5th 2017 07:00 am
Youngstown sculptor Susan Geissler has received a new commission of great significance for Grand Island. She has been chosen to create the statue of Medal of Honor recipient Pfc. Charles N. DeGlopper, a World War II hero from Grand Island.
Youth take center stage in Artpark's production of 'Fiddler on the Roof Jr.'
Thu, Aug 3rd 2017 11:00 pm
At 1 p.m. Sunday, children and teenagers will headline a performance of "Fiddler on the Roof Jr." Their showcase - a full-on, full-scale theater performance with real sets and costumes - is the culmination of a theater academy that began July 10.
Golfing event benefits Mount St. Mary's Hospital
Thu, Aug 3rd 2017 07:50 pm
The board of associates of Mount St. Mary's Hospital recently held its 37th annual Louis J. Fernandez Golf Classic at the Niagara Frontier Golf Club.
Lewiston: Grounds dedicated to families dealing with loss of a baby
Wed, Aug 2nd 2017 06:20 pm
The Mount St. Mary's Hospital Foundation and Footprints on the Heart held a blessing of the grounds and dedication ceremony Wednesday at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Lewiston. Thanks to a donation by Catholic Charities, a community butterfly monument has been established for families dealing with the loss of a baby.
Community celebrates 51 years of Lewiston Art Festival
Mon, Jul 31st 2017 07:00 am
Lewiston owes its reputation for being a thriving arts community to the annual Lewiston Art Festival. Sponsored by Lewiston Council on the Arts and now in its 51st year, the festival has been named top cultural destination/summer festival showcase event by a handful of national publications.
Revised Fairchild Place plan moving forward
Sat, Jul 29th 2017 10:00 am
It was relatively smooth sailing this week for developer James Jerge and his team, as neither the Village of Lewiston Planning Commission nor the Zoning Board of Appeals offered any serious objections to his revised residential redevelopment project at 765 Fairchild Place.
'Soldiers of the Revolution' at Fort Niagara: American Revolution on Niagara Frontier to be re-enacted
Mon, Jul 24th 2017 11:40 am
Old Fort Niagara will share American Revolution history with the public on Aug. 5-6, when it presents "Soldiers of the Revolution" from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. This re-enactment complements the daily summer programming currently happening at the fort, which features the British occupation of the fort from 1775-83.
Setting sail: Annual YYC Can Am Challenge hits lake July 27
Sat, Jul 22nd 2017 09:05 am
Despite flooding conditions that have plagued the lake and lower river - and really put a crimp on boating over past months - plans are moving full speed ahead for the 2017 edition of the Youngstown Yacht Club's Can Am Challenge regatta.
Local restaurants donate to Northwest Jazz Festival raffle
Thu, Jul 20th 2017 09:05 am
More than $3,000 in local restaurant gift certificates will be given away at the conclusion of the 2017 Northwest Jazz Festival, Lewiston, NY, on Aug. 25-26.
Ortt delivers a total of $55,000 to Western Niagara County libraries
Thu, Jul 20th 2017 08:55 am
New York State Sen. Rob Ortt on Wednesday delivered a total of $55,000 in state funding to the public libraries in western Niagara County. Ortt secured the funds as part of this year's state budget.

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