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The next meeting of the Buffalo and Erie County Greenway Fund Standing Committee will be at 4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9, at the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, 726 Exchange St., Suite 525, Buffalo. The meeting is open to the public. Its agenda will include a review on progress of existing delayed projects awarded by the committee.
The Buffalo and Erie County Greenway Fund Standing Committee receives funds from the New York Power Authority (NYPA) as part of the settlement agreement related to the federal relicensing for the Niagara Power Project in 2007. During the 50-year term of the license, the committee will receive $2 million a year. It is composed of one representative from Erie County, the City of Buffalo, Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy and NYPA.
More information regarding the application is available at the Buffalo and Erie County Greenway Standing Committee website at http://bit.ly/1XA6mTo.