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With the 2022-23 season, Women of the Word begin their 34th year of Christian Bible study on Grand Island. Hosted by Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, the ladies of WOW will examine the Old Testament book of Isaiah and also Christ BC. The Premier Celebration is 9:30 a.m. Sept. 15.
WOW invites ladies of all ages to join them for Bible lessons, teaching, prayer, worship and fellowship each Thursday morning from September to May. The format includes a study guide to be completed each week, with sharing of answers and insights during small group time.
The ministry of Women of the Word began in California and was brought to Grand Island by the late Barbie Bird, who served as its director for several years. Other WOW groups flourish throughout the U.S. and internationally, all having the goal of increasing Bible literacy and of fostering personal relationships with Jesus Christ.
No prior Bible study experience is necessary, and women from all walks of life and faith affiliations are encouraged to attend. There is a fee of $50 for the lesson books.
New members are welcome to join at any time throughout the year. For more information, contact Kathy Duff at 716-867-7966 or Patty Cancilla at 716-289-4139.