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First responders will also be admitted for free that day
Cornell Cooperative Extension Niagara County announced its recent enrollment in the Niagara County “Thank A Vet” program. CCE Niagara will offer free admission to the Niagara County Fair on Sunday, Aug. 7, to any current member of the military, or veteran, as part of the “Thank A Vet” program. First responders will also be admitted to the fair for free that day.
A press release noted, “This offer is a way for CCE Niagara County to recognize the service and sacrifices made by our community’s returning veterans, service men and women, and emergency personnel.”
Niagara County Clerk Joseph A. Jastrzemski said, “I am very excited to have Cornell Cooperative Extension join our ‘Thank A Vet’ program and become one of the hundreds of organizations who offer benefits and discounts to our veterans. Honoring our military personnel on Sunday, along with our first responders, with free fair admission, is a great way to say ‘Thank you’ to all these heroes.”
Eligible service members will receive free admission. Admission for all other fairgoers on Sunday will be $5 per person or $15 per carload. The carload price will be discounted by $5 if there is a veteran, active military service member, or first responder in the vehicle.
Justin Rogers, CCE Niagara executive director and director of the Niagara County Fair, said, “We all rely on those who choose to serve us selflessly every day. This is just our small way of saying, ‘Thank you.’ ”
CCE is an educational organization that puts research-based information into the hands of citizens to enhance their lives and well-being. This unique linkage serves families, farmers, youth, seniors and communities across Niagara County. CCE Niagara, a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt organization, offers quality educational programming services in a range of areas, including agriculture, food systems and horticulture; environment and natural resources; 4-H, youth development and families; nutrition, health and food safety; and community and economic vitality. For more information about Cornell Cooperative Extension, visit www.cceniagaracounty.org or call 716-433-8839.