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Pictured, from left: Mayor Robert Restaino, Kim Wisor of Northwest Bank, Joseph Ruffolo of NFMMC, Cassandra Jackson of Mt Sinai Baptist Church, Sheila Kee of NFMMC, Tracy Schmidt of Heart, Love & Soul, LaMont Glover of Beloved Community and Dr. Rolanda Ward of Niagara University.
Pictured, from left: Mayor Robert Restaino, Kim Wisor of Northwest Bank, Joseph Ruffolo of NFMMC, Cassandra Jackson of Mt Sinai Baptist Church, Sheila Kee of NFMMC, Tracy Schmidt of Heart, Love & Soul, LaMont Glover of Beloved Community and Dr. Rolanda Ward of Niagara University.

NFMMC unveils new mobile care van


Tue, Dec 7th 2021 03:05 pm

Providing services, vaccinations directly to those in need

Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center on Tuesday unveiled its new mobile health care van. The 26-foot mobile unit, which is fully equipped with an exam room, intake room, and is ADA-compliant wheelchair-accessible, will provide essential health care services to vulnerable populations in the City of Niagara Falls.

Community-based organizations, community providers and other organizations will host the van on a rotational basis, offering services that are wide-ranged and tailored to meet the specific needs of the at-risk populations to be served. These services include primary care, nutritional counseling, women’s health, and COVID-19 testing and vaccination.

To date, the locations of the van will include Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church, Niagara Falls Housing Authority Beloved Community, Niagara Community Action Program, Northpointe Council Inc. and Heart, Love & Soul.

“The mobile health van gives Niagara Falls Memorial a new means to deliver quality health care to individuals in every corner of the City of Niagara Falls. The van will be instrumental in helping Memorial build a healthier Niagara Falls,” said Sheila Kee, Memorial’s chief operation officer.

NFMMC stated, “The mobile care van will aim to address the widespread health care disparities, which were uncovered through the work of the Niagara Falls Healthcare Disparities Task Force. Data revealed in the September 2020 task force report identified poverty and racial disparity as the core causes for poor health outcomes, thus providing the road map to guide Memorial’s new mobile care van.”

Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino said, "The mobile care van answers a need identified in the City of Niagara Falls Social Justice Report. Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center continues
to provide first-class health care in Niagara Falls, and our administration is pleased to partner with Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center on this important addition to the health care options available at our city hospital.”

The mobile van was purchased using Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding that was awarded to Memorial from the City of Niagara Falls. In addition, operating costs will be supported by various donations from area foundations, including a contribution already received from Northwest Bank.

NFMMC stated, “Today’s announcement marks another step towards providing a significant impact on the health of the Niagara Falls community by closing gaps in care.”

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