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Mayor Robert Restaino announced that, starting Friday, Oct. 30, the City of Niagara Falls, in cooperation with a representative from the Niagara County Office for the Aging, will be providing appointments for application assistance to senior citizens applying for HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) at the John A. Duke Senior Citizen Center, located at 1201 Hyde Park Blvd.
“Although the COVID-19 virus has required the city to suspend regular programming at the Duke Center, there are certain activities that are of critical importance to our seniors,” Restaino said. “We are pleased to work with the county Office of the Aging to provide help to those who need help in filing their HEAP applications for financial assistance for winter heating.”
This service will be available by appointment only, and face coverings are required. The appointments will be available from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Friday through Jan. 8, 2021. To schedule an appointment, call 716-286-4859.