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YBPA begins planning for 2020

Thu, Jan 23rd 2020 03:40 pm

Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Street Dance among newsmakers

By Terry Duffy


Planning for 2020 is underway in Youngstown.

The Youngstown Business and Professional Association held its quarterly winter membership meeting Tuesday at Ray’s Tavern in Porter, with discussions on YBPA’s many projects in the village having the main focus.

“Tonight we’ll talk a little bit about our activities and events structure, and how we’ll plan these events throughout the year,” YBPA secretary Mark Butera said.

A few of the sponsored YBPA projects include: March’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Youngstown; in June, the beginning of Summer Street Dance and Car Cruise, and the annual Welcome to the Town of Porter and Youngstown brochure.

“This is our big baby that we’ve been doing now – going on our 11th year,” Butera said.

Other notables include YBPA’s community grant enhancement projects and its selection for the Youngstown business of the year, chosen by the association’s more than 80 members. Attending members Tuesday participated in the voting process toward selection.

“We haven’t missed yet with a good selection for business of the year,” Butera said.

Both he and his wife, Cheryl, made mention of YBPA’s many coordinated/sponsored projects in the River Region. Included are the annual Village of Youngstown Community Picnic; the Falkner Park Free Concert Series coordinated by YBPA member Dottie Riordan; the annual Town of Porter Summerfest event; Town of Porter Historical Society monthly programs; the Christmas in the Village; and many others.

“We support them in any way we can,” Butera said.

News announcements gleaned from the session:

•YBPA announced planning is underway for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade celebration in the village, taking place at noon, Saturday, March 14. Chairs for this year’s happening include Jodee Riordan of the Lewiston-Porter Board of Education, Catherine Stella of the former Mug and Musket, and Cheryl Butera.

YBPA said the parade’s main staple of recent parades – decorated shopping carts, provided in the past by the former Melloni’s Marketplace on Lockport Street – will again be a featured at this event, thanks to assistance from the new owners of the Marketplace building, Ken Scibetta and Ed Webster of the Griffin family of restaurants. Prizes will be awarded for the best children’s float and best adult float.

“We all show up at 11 a.m. on Hinman Street; there’s no charge to get in, we all have fun,” Butera said.

Another St. Patrick’s “can’t miss” that day is the annual Youngstown Lions Club’s Cash Bash taking place that afternoon in the Youngstown Red Brick Village Center gym.

More on both as news develops.

•YBPA announced its 11th annual Beginning of Summer Street Dance and Car Cruise would take place on Thursday evening, June 18, on Youngstown’s Main Street strip.

“It becomes a kick-off to the summer season,” Butera said. “We’ve just had great success with it all these years, even in the rain.”

New for 2020 will be new entertainment. YBPA reported long-time favorite the Carl Motyka Band has moved on to work in Florida.

“This year, we’re thrilled to be able to say that we got the Thurman Brothers,” Butera said.

He reported the band will play the Main Street stage that evening and a big crowd is expected.

Rebecca Poletti of the Youngstown Galley will chair this year’s Street Dance. Plans are developing with more news expected at YBPA’s spring meeting, Tuesday, April 14, at the Old Fort Niagara Officer’s Club.

For more on the YBPA and its programs for 2020, visit www.youngstownnewyork.com or www.youngstownny.com.

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