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Pictured, from left: Neil Patterson, Irene Rykaszewski and Francene Patterson.
Pictured, from left: Neil Patterson, Irene Rykaszewski and Francene Patterson.

Lewiston Council on the Arts receives funding for new event


Wed, Jan 23rd 2019 05:40 pm

The Lewiston Council on the Arts recently received notification of its award of decentralization grant funding in support of a new event that will take place at Hennepin Park during the Lewiston Art Festival on Aug. 10-11. The gazebo area will be transformed into an Iroquois market, bringing to life the rich history of Native American traditions, and featuring traditional drumming, music, dance and free hands-on activities. 

LCA is working closely with Tuscarora Sand Turtle Runner Neil Patterson and White Bear Clan Mother Francene Patterson to showcase the work of some of the finest Native American artisans from both sides of the border.

"We are so excited to share these traditions with our community so they may better understand the people, the customs and the beauty of Native American culture," LCA Executive Director Irene Rykaszewski said.

The Niagara Falls Bridge Commission also supports the LCA’s efforts as sponsor of both the Iroquois market and the Lewiston Art Festival. Each year, the festival draws tens of thousands of visitors to historic Lewiston from across Western New York and Southern Ontario.

This program is funded by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, as administered by Arts Services Initiative of Western New York.

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