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Higgins applauds Biden's action to fill seats on USPS board


Thu, Feb 25th 2021 09:35 am

Congressman advocated for vacancies to be filled with people committed to protecting future of USPS services

President Joe Biden has announced three nominees to fill vacant seats on the U.S. Postal Service board of governors. Congressman Brian Higgins, D-NY-26, who has been pushing for new leadership, released the following statement:

“The United States Postal Service needs stewards who are committed to protecting the services American businesses and residents rely on. President Biden’s nominations represent a new beginning for the board, one we hope fosters opportunities to help the Postal Service grow and flourish.

“Unjustified changes last year, including the removal of equipment and the decimation of delivery standards, sabotaged the mail system as we’ve known it to be for over 245 years, leading to unpredictability and massive mail delays. We heard from hundreds of Western New Yorkers impacted by and concerned about the changes and I witnessed the backlogs first-hand during a visit to the Buffalo mail-processing facility.

“Reforms are necessary to strengthen the longevity of the USPS and safeguard postal services, workers and customers. We look forward to delivering necessary improvements while preserving critical services for the institution that delivers for America.”

Higgins was among 80 members of Congress signing a letter to Biden advocating for the vacancies to be filled, writing, “Nominating strong, passionate advocates for the institution to these open seats will allow it to function in a more nonpartisan, effective manner.”

The USPS board of governors consists of 11 members, 9 of which are appointed by the president. Currently, three of those seats are vacant. The nine governors are responsible for the appointment of the postmaster. The governors serve for a seven-year term and may not serve for more than two terms. Two of the existing governors are Democrat and four are Republican. Higgins’ camp said the nominations bring balance to the board, which manages the powers, expenditures, practices, planning and policies of the Postal Service, as well as the service standards and capital investments.

On Wednesday, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform held a hearing with the postmaster general and others to discuss legislative proposals to put the Postal Service on sustainable financial footing.

The nominees will need to be confirmed by the Senate.

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